Thursday, 21 July 2016


Image result for echocardiogram

I am feeling a little crazy, I am 3 month and one week into treatment and have 2 months and 3 weeks to go...for the past few days I have been experiencing odd sensations in my chest, akin to palpitations....but my GP says my pulse is stable. She has raised an echocardiogram...but says it will be 3/4 weeks. 
She asked if I am stressed. I do feel stressed. I feel like a fraud. I am a herbalist who normally sees patients, I have a treatment studio in my garden filled with herbs, herbs that I mainly grow, harvest and make into remedies for my patients, my community and my family and self...these past 3 month I have stopped working as my head is all over the place. I am not taking any herbs for fear of interactions. Morbid fear that I may inhibit the Anti viral drugs, that this killer virus may come back...even though I was 'undetectable' at 8 weeks...
Image result for lime blossomsI have made myself a pot of herbal tea, rose petals, that arrived one morning in the mail from a dear lovely friend, she was suggesting a foot bath. The roses smell so delicate and calming, also in my brew is Lime Blossoms, picked on my village green a few days ago...both these herbs are super calming and supportive to the nerves. Neither will inhibit the drugs, is what I am telling myself.

I have been having Epsom salt baths for muscle relaxation, as my back is pretty painful at the moment, but there is a discussion on the forum about magnesium possibly being linked to a few relapsing no more of them I guess.....

1 comment:

  1. My anthroposophic Dr has recommended nutritive baths - they do seem to help my muscle stiffness - may be of help? Whizz together 1 egg yolk, 1tsp honey, juice of 1/2 lemon and 1tbs arnica oil into an emulsion and add to bath - he says this helps the oil diffuse through the water and enter the skin rather than floating on the top - I relax with a book until the water cools. Leaves the skin feeling lush too - Big love and gentle hugs, Marguerite xxx
